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Stephen Bis

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MNQ 3 contracts today. Didn’t touch it all day until now, finally closed it out since its so close to end of day.


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thank you very much! by the way i almost doubled my account since the beginning, thank you! although im on a small account but seeing it doubled is very promising. very excited about what this can do


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Lauren, Your teachings are amazing, Your input spot on, You and Steve have a great room here. I got into a LONG on ES at 3328 risking $200 and took my $6,700 acct to over $10k – in a matter of minutes- wow!

Bob Boye

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Hello again! I finished the six videos Actually don’t have that many questions. Its very nice the way it’s laid out You make the core concepts incredibly easy to understand and create a solid foundation of understanding for trading that isn’t overwhelming or intimidating I have a lot of feedback about that if you care for a, but I’ll save that for another day


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I look back at the crazy stuff I used to do while I was -trading”….1 was basically flipping a coin. I lost $10k one day and I quit for a long time. It’s always been nagging at me though. I did really well with my 401k and only traded four times a year. in and out of REIT’s and that paid for my house!! Just never could do the day trading thing. Then seeing your TikTok I was like. ok for a grand let me see just wow, you delivered and then some!!! It really is like the matrix movie, once you go through these sessions and the live trading you start to see. When it becomes clear it’s just frightening. I just came back in from outside saw a pattern and netted $400 in less than 10 seconds!!!!!

Nitesh P

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Hey Lauren – Great calls today, I’ve made over $900 with you over the last 3 days and kinda accumulated the capital for buying your digital mentorship!!

Frank Soto

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These Classes are mind-blowing!

Levi Stonehocker

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Lauren you rock! great moves this morning